In the potato planting business, everything comes down to precision, seed placement and machine reliability. Skips are evil. So are doubles. And maintenance problems are just awful.
If you own an Air Cup, you own the most precise, expensive planter on the market. You go through the hassle—and expense—of swapping out valve components every year because precision planting drives your profits.
All of the RocketValve™ components, from the RocketCoated stationary valves and shafts to the beefed up pick wheel assembly backing and the precision machined plastic valve seal, work together to optimize the Air Cup’s vacuum distribution system.
RocketValve: Making a good machine great.
Tough Components. Easy decision.
- Rapid Return on Investment. Will typically pay for itself the first season, even with just a 1% bump in planter efficiency.
- Fuel Efficient. No need to overspin the vacuum fan to compensate for poor vacuum distribution.
- Saves Labor. RocketValves have never needed to be torn down and rebuilt- even after 10 years and 10,000+ acres.
- Reliable. The RocketCoat coating simply doesn’t wear out. Over 500 original Rocketcoat stationary valves are still in service after as many as 12 seasons and 12,000 acres.
- Proven. Now backed by the RocketValve Forever Warranty.

Interested in the wear resistance of RocketCoat without replacing your stationary valves? We have been repairing & coating stationary valves since 2003. Get in touch with us for a consultation today.
How will RocketValves™ improve your planters?
1) Factory Air Cup valves are inconsistent.
This video shows a factory Air Cup bowl being turned on a lathe. As you can see, this valve has a demonstrable run-out of approximately 25 thousandsths.
This gap is critical when adjusting engine speed for the vacuum fan – if the speed is too low, the tube will miss, and if the speed is too high, the tube will plant doubles.
2) Factory stationary valves are out of round- causing leaks.
The video below shows a factory stationary valve for the Lockwood Air Cup planter. It has an approximately 30 thousandth run-out. There was a measurable gap between the stationary valve and the bowl as wide as 1/16th of an inch.
Those measurements may sound small to the layman- but in the world of vacuum-driven precision planting, they can mean acres of skipped or double plants.
And these gaps are on factory-new bowls and valves. Years of wear only compound and exacerbate the problem- and their cost- across all of your machines.
3) RocketValves are consistent. Perfectly round with no leaks.
Compare the below video of a RocketValve™ to the videos above.
No run-out. No gaps for vacuum pressure to escape through.
The RocketValve™ upgrade machines the rotating valve to a perfect round and makes for a concentric fit with the stationary valve. This improves planting efficiency in the Lockwood Air Cup Potato Planter.
RocketValve Facts:
- Over 100,000 acres have been planted with EIC RocketCoat stationary valves with no sign of wear.
- RocketCoat is corrosion resistant and harder than anything in the soil.
- Increases the wear life of the stationary valve seal surface indefinitely.
- Reduce required engine speed up to 30%.
- Makes you money – by minimizing skips and doubles.
- Saves you money – by extending wear life.
- Simplifies maintenance – no more nightmare valve assembly jobs.
What RocketValve™ users have to say:

We back every RocketValve™ with our Forever Warranty.
No weasel words. Transferable from machine to machine, owner to owner. Simply put, we will warrant our components for the lifetime of the valve. Specifically:
- The RocketCoat coating will not wear through on the stationary valve or the shaft bearing surface.
- The precision bronze bearing will not wear out.
- The plastic seal surface on the pick wheel assembly will not wear out.
Remedy: We will repair or replace, at our option, any of our components that are defective, have a worn through the RocketCoat coating, or have worn-out plastic. Simply return the valve assembly to EIC; we will even reassemble the valve and pay for return shipping.
This warranty excludes product misuse, abuse, modifications, improper installation and maintenance, and incidental and consequential damages.
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Let RocketValve and RocketCoat improve your planting efficiency & save you costly maintenance. Get a consultation today: